The other day I found myself in another conversation around the challenges of blogging.I love blogging

“I need more time.”

“I should just write a bunch at once.”

“Maybe if I incorporate a ‘writing day’ into my calendar…”

“I have lots of things to write about, but it just takes so long…”

Any of those apply to you? If so, here are some quick tips to think about:

  1. A blog entry doesn’t have to resemble an essay, term paper, white paper, or even be as long as an entire paragraph. Not feeling inspired some days? Just do a “quick tip”.
  2. It’s okay to write conversationally in a blog post. While I do encourage the use of a spell check, the occasional misused semicolon will not bring your business down. Mrs. Schnikelbottom from 7th grade will probably not see your blog post. Even if she does, I’m pretty sure she can’t comment in red ink.
  3. Feeling uninspired?
    • Save questions from clients.
    • Write down “case study” examples as they happen in your business.
    • Seek out what others in your field are talking about, and write your take on it.
    • Take portions of anything you’ve ever spoken about, and write out a bit about it.
    • Have an ebook or something simliar? Take an excerpt.
    • Ask your clients to submit questions.
    • Ask your clients to submit challenges.
    • Don’t have clients yet? Make up something your client would say if you had one, or write about the challenges they would have.
    • Grab a big topic, and turn it into 6 blog posts (series, anyone?)

How often should I blog?

I personally like blogging once or twice a week. The more frequent publication is actually less “pressure” because I don’t feel like it has to be such a big sparkly production each time I blog. It can be more of an ongoing conversation. I think you need to pick what feels good to you. That being said – if you are working on your SEO – you probably need to be on the 2-3 times a week train.

I have plenty of ideas, but have no TIME!

If you have lots of great info in your head, but no time to get it on paper (or…your blog in this case) – write down article title ideas and the bullet points to with them, and then send it to a writer to complete and make into sentences. Bonus if you find a writer that can also incorporate SEO stuff into your posts (we have can do this… just sayin’). AND sometimes you can even ask your writer to just get on the phone with you for an hour while you spout your wisdom, and then he/she comes back a week or so later with blog posts. It’s like magic. Still your ideas, but somebody else’s punctuation. Practical. Efficient. Yet still authentic. Boom, done.

Repurpose, reuse, recycle.

Are you writing separate items for your ezine, blog, and social media campaigns? If so, stop it right now! There is no need. Check it out: blog=ezine=social media updates (that link back to the blog post).

See? Blogging isn’t as hard as you thought!

Do you have any tips for easy blogging? Add them in the comments below!