“I have enough trouble figuring out what to blog about, what am I supposed to begin vlogging about?,” you ask? Well, that one’s easy. You “vlog” about the same things you blog about! In fact, one of the simplest “vlogs” you can create is to simply read your blogs on video, making it easier for your visitors to get the message!

Back in the day, when the internet was just beginning, text was the only way to share information. Today though, with the advent of inexpensive video technology and video editing software, creating video for your website or blog is nearly as simple as writing text. And, as long as you make it easy for the search engines to find your videos, you are bound to see a jump in traffic to your website or blog.

Here are just some of the more popular uses for video when vlogging

  • Introduce yourself and your business
  • Answer customer questions about products or services
  • Answer FAQs
  • How-to videos are always some of the most popular
  • Read your blog posts, for those with short attention spans
  • Share unique information or viewpoints
  • Teach your visitors something new
  • Review competing products or services, just keep it honest
  • Ask for the sale!

Using video rather than simply blogging will create a personal connection between you and your visitor. Video is much more dynamic than simple text. It helps you to become a person, not just a website. You will even find yourself becoming more connected to them, even as they become more connected to you.

For visitors with a short attention span, which includes most visitors by the way, video will compel them to stay on-site longer than simple text. Video engages people much more effectively than simple text, and it is a great way to create a call-to-action. When you appeal to more than one sense by vlogging, you create a dynamic relationship that will last longer and benefit you and your visitor more easily.

After all, if your competitors are vlogging, and they very likely are, you need to be vlogging too.