So, the fire department just declared your desk a fire hazard because of that shoebox full of tiny slips of paper you keep on it, eh? What’s up with that? Are you making confetti for New Year’s? Do you have some elaborate papier-mâché design you’re working on? Wait. They’re your business receipts?


Sure, it’s a nice box – one with a fold over lid sturdy and enough for snow-boots – but is that really the best solution? Perhaps you’ve attempted to keep your receipts organized but found that the most overwhelming number of receipts is in the file, “Miscellaneous.” With all the work you have to do, who has time for bookkeeping anyway? Fear not, there are Virtual Assistants who specialize in accounting and they’re standing by to help you with all of that … stuff.

Stop worrying about tax laws, QuickBooks and … eew … math. Give that shoebox to a professional and watch the magic! Your accounting VA will enter your receipts, keep track of your income and spending habits and keep your finances in line. (Of course, if you hand over the literal shoebox, we suggest you attach a Starbucks gift card to the top.) Also, a savvy bookkeeper can help you analyze your business costs. Where are you spending too much? Where can you save money? Where should you spend more? (Perhaps bookkeeping?)

Here are some tips for using your accounting VA efficiently and for turning all of those pieces of paper into a nice, organized set of books you can call your own.

1. Decide what kind of help you need. Do you want someone to take complete financial responsibility or just maintain your general ledger? The more specific and focused your request, the more efficient and cost effective your relationship with your new accounting VA.

2. Ask your VA how to help them help you. For example, if you can pre-organize your books a little before sending over the bulk, it will expedite their transfer into the accounting program. You’ll save yourself some money and save your VA a lot of stress (and billable hours).

3. Stay on top of things! Remember how that shoebox started as a manageable handful of receipts? Look at it now … packed full with a notice from the Fire Department taped to the top. Remit receipts and other paperwork to your VA on a regular basis. You’re finally organized – keep it that way!

4. Step up your system. We’ve discussed your shoebox, now let’s talk about that scanner underneath it. Yes, scanning in your receipts and paper invoices is time-consuming, but this is the electronic age and, apologies to the USPS, snail mail is SO last century. Take the time to turn those slips of paper into electronic files. Once you’ve gotten through the initial pile, maintenance will be a snap.

5. Before signing a contract with a new VA, take the time to decide exactly what your expectations are. From simply submitting monthly Profit & Loss reports to maintaining payroll and managing business expenses; figure out what system and level of involvement works best for you. The possibilities are endless … just ask!