Let’s get something straight here.

I pretty much dislike this. (Writing, that is.)

It’s hard. It’s time consuming. And it’s essential to the growth of my business.
But enough about me. Let’s talk about you.

Many people find writing to be hard, time consuming, and yet essential to the growth of their business. (…is there an echo in here?)
Essential, how? You ask.

Well you know – you need content for:
– newsletters
– blogs
– SEO (so you can come up in Google searches)
– social media posts
– ebooks
– trainings
– video scripts
– landing pages
– your website
– etc.

Generally, you need content because people want to learn stuff from you. And reading things online is often how they do it.

And yeeeeees, you can delegate this.
But that’s not what this is about.

This is about you. And a keyboard. (Or a pen if you’re old school.)

So how do you get better at writing, when it takes 3 hours, or 3 days to write one perfectly crafted blog post?

Here is my 1-step formula for getting better at writing:
– You gotta write. Every. Single. Day.


Wait, whaaaat?

Yea, that sucks, I know.
Well, “they” say that writing is a muscle. And we all know what happens to muscles when we don’t use them.


So – you gotta exercise, my friend. Or, actually, WE have to exercise. We can do this. Together.

Stumped on where to begin?

Check out HubSpots Blog Topic Generator

How rad is THAT?